main concepts of the films
MAIN CONCEPTS OF THE FILMS------------ The directors of Studio Ghibli likes to put storys or situations inspired from their own lives such as; damages done by fire or atomic bombs, a child with sick parents, orphan kids, war... These aspects can be gathered to general themes: ENVIRONMENTALISM Nausicaa of the Valley of the wind (1984) Studio Ghibli films spotlight environmentalism, emphasizing, respecting and preserving the natural world. Almost in every Studio Ghibli film there is a natural place that is seen as the characters peaceful and safe place. For example in Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984) rest of the characters want to destroy the forest so they can build life from the begining with no monsters (they live in the forest ther are sort of like big bugs) but the main character Nausicaa believes that the people and the monsters can live in peace together and she stands up for what she believes in and succeeds. Princess Mononoke (1997) Also in Princess Mononoke (1997...